미국에서 권위있는 시민단체중에
"서서 오줌누기에 대항하는 엄마들"이라는 곳이 있습니다.
The Mothers Against Peeing Standing Up
똥눌 때는 앉아서 오줌 잘 누는 남자사람들이
오줌만 눌 떄는 굳이 서서 해야만 한다는 거.
일종의 선입견이고 잘못된 문화죠.
독일에서는 이미 45%의 남성이
앉아서 소변보는 것을
실천하고 있습니다.
자기는 안튀고 잘 조준할 수 있다는 분이 계시다면,
마른 화장실 바닥에
신문지를 한장만 깔아두삼..
하루도 안되서 오줌스팀방울의 위력을
시각적으로 확인할 수 있음.
아래는 "서서 오줌누기에 대항하는 엄마들"에서 배포하는
포스터와 그 문구들입니다.
필요하신 분은 인쇄후 코팅해서
변기 뚜껑 안쪽에 붙여놓으세요.
MYTH #1: "Men can pee standing up"
Fact: The reality is men can NOT pee standing up
without getting as much as a stray drop on the seat or the outside surface of the toilet.
Fragmentation of the urine stream causes particles of urine to dissipate.
The larger the distance urine has to travel, the bigger the dissipation radius gets.
Some of you may say, "No, not me! I can pee through a donut from 40 feet above!"
Well, mister hand-eye coordination,
you are probably one of those people who also never ask for directions.
Admitting that you have a problem is half the battle.
At some point in your life you need to ask yourself,
"Is it worth it? What has peeing standing up cost me in my life?"
Admitting that you have a problem is half the battle.
At some point in your life you need to ask yourself,
"Is it worth it? What has peeing standing up cost me in my life?"
MYTH #2: "It's a victimless crime."
Fact: Peeing standing up destroys families.
Who cleans the bathrooms in your house?
Your mother? Your wife?
Even if you clean up after yourself,
what happens when you are a guest
at someone's home, over at your friend's house, visiting the inlaws,
or using a public bathroom?
Why should someone else have to suffer for your unwillingness to sit down?
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